We create litigation graphics for PowerPoint opening statements, closing arguments, expert witness presentations, exhibit boards and more…

Litigation graphics for a modern world

Consult | Create | Captivate

Great litigation graphics don’t just look nice, they captivate a viewer’s attention. They educate while reinforcing your client’s case. We will work with you to create custom courtroom graphics to uniquely, and clearly, present the evidence that supports your case.  Take a peek at some of our samples…
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”

-Albert Einstein

Courtroom Graphics Portfolio

Breach of Contract

Litigation chart

Cast of Characters

Litigation Timeline

Demonstrative chart

Jury Instruction graphic

Legal Relationships

Element Check Box

Jury Instruction Graphic

Damages graphic

Simple Legal Timeline

Trade Secret Elements

Legal Relationships

Aerial Map Graphic

Document Callout

Aerial Map Graphic

Litigation Timeline

Burden of Proof

Legal Analogy

Litigation Chart

Courtroom Graphic

Elements of Proof

Legal Checkmarks

Background Graphic

Overview Graphic

Legal Standards

Litigation Line Chart

Litigation Line Chart

Economic Damages

Jury Instruction Graphic

Key Legal Document

Damages Analysis

Plaintiff Property

Litigation Background

Document Callout

Plaintiff Damages

Legal Standard

Business Model Analysis

Legal Elements

Business Model Analysis

Contract Graphic

Who’s who graphic